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- mubany elections 2022 run vote

This year, MuBANY has ALL positions up for elections! For context, MuBANY's Board is comprised of 4 Officers, who serve two-year terms, and 5 Directors, who serve one year terms. This year, the both Officer and Director positions are up for election! The elections will take place from early-May to to mid-May; however, we have some key deadline dates in April as well.
We welcome anyone who has not before been involved with MuBANY to run! It is a great way to get to know the bar association, deepen your professional network, and do meaningful work!
Please see below for KEY dates and deadlines for the election. We would like to especially flag the *deadlines* on April 13 & 29, May 4, 5 & 18!
NOTE: To be eligible to run you must be an active MuBANY member and a legal professional. Candidate Statements can be submitted by email to by April 29. Please don't forget to renew your membership before May 4!
✨Email if you would like to attend the informational call on April 13!✨