2023 MuBANY Mentorship Program Applications are now Open!

MuBANY is pleased to announce that applications for its 2023 Mentorship Program are now open!
MuBANY’s Mentorship Program is designed to foster connections between pre-law school students, law school students, recent law school graduates, and practicing lawyers. In addition to one-on-one mentoring, the Mentorship Program will provide mentees with personal and professional development opportunities as well as the ability to expand their legal community network.
Applications are open until September 30th, 2023 for both mentors and mentees. Mentors and mentees will be matched by MuBANY according to preference, compatibility, and availability. Once notified, mentors will be asked to reach out to their mentee and arrange an initial conversation whether over Zoom, in-person, or over the phone. Preference will be given to MuBANY members and applicants residing or working in the tri-state area.
Apply to be a mentor here: https://tinyurl.com/mubanymentorapp2023
Apply to be a mentee here: https://tinyurl.com/mubanymenteeapp2023